Saturday, April 13, 2013 | By: Anita

Guilt vs. Grace

I open my eyes to a new day and a long list of to-do’s. Before I’m even out of bed, I notice a cobweb in the corner. Guilt creeps under the covers with me. I think of other women with cobweb-free corners {in their homes and hearts}. I vow that today I’ll try harder.. .. .. …
Another day I wake up and take a deep breath of grace. I’m loved and known and whatever happens today I will be okay. I slip into the kitchen with a smile for my first cup of tea. I sit at the table with my to-do list and ask God for His perspective on it. It seems like I can feel Him with me as I check off the first item. .. . …

If you’re like me, that feeling of guilt is one of my biggest struggles. I go into it without even realizing it until the end of the day when I’m exhausted. I’m asking God to teach me to live differently. To trade guilt for grace. But, how does that happen? 

Getting from Guilt to Grace . .. … .
First, pause and identify how you feel.
If it’s those guilty feelings, then listen for the lie. What are you telling yourself that isn’t true? For example, “I’m not doing enough.”
Then replace that lie with grace-filled truth. For example, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. But He never asks me to do it all!”
Ask for help. Whisper a prayer saying, “Jesus, I’m really struggling with those guilty feelings, and I want to stop and be comforted in Your grace.  Please forgive me and help me receive what I need to from You right now.”
Then do it again tomorrow, and again the next day if needed.
I don’t have this down. It’s still a daily choice, and thankfully there is no limit on grace!

How about you ~ can you relate? What helps you live in grace instead of guilt?



krystle ann-marie said...

SUCH a good reminder. I was caught up with guilt yesterday really bad. It's all too easy for me to see the negatives in my own life rather then the positives. I liked that Dove Beauty ad you shared yesterday too!