Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | By: Anita

Sir Blogs a-lot!

When I started this blog back in March 2007  I had no idea where I was going with it, I had no idea there was a whole ‘blogging community’ and even when I realized that, I never imagined that I would feel like I was part of it. 

And today, this is my 850th post. .. . . ..{eeeekk!}.

This means that over six years and two weeks ago, I DIDN’T HAVE A BLOG. I wasn’t A BLOGGER. I didn’t have BLOGGING FRIENDS. My life as I know it today? well, IT DIDN’T EXIST.

That’s hard to believe. I tend to flit around from one topic to another. But something about blogging has stuck with me. I think it’s important to write out our thoughts, opinions and ideas. There’s something about writing it all out that’s has a soul cleansing honest to goodness realization of who I am. When we take the time to record memories, journal our prayers, and write down our thoughts, we truly give ourselves a gift to be opened over and over again. We can recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God’s faithfulness in difficult situations and feel a sense of comfort by expressing and managing the emotions we’ve been given. It can feel good to re-visit the joys and even the struggles in our lives, because God is working in us and building our trust through every circumstance.

Some say blogging is changing and that it won’t last much longer. Perhaps that’s true. But while it’s still here, I’ll be here.  Seriously, starting a blog is one of the best things I’ve ever done and a decision that has changed my life in so many brilliant, blessed ways. I’m incredibly grateful for every experience and ~ more importantly ~ every relationship that has happened as a result of this little blog.

I'm fairly sure if I hadn't found the other bloggers I wouldn't still be here typing away into cyberspace. I enjoy the sense of community and I really enjoy reading other blogs too. I have been asked ‘why’ I blog and it's not an easy question to answer ~ other than because I enjoy it!

It may sound a bit extreme but it's even changed the way I think, many times a day something pops into my head and I think ‘ooh that would make a great blog post’. Or, {as sad as it is to say}, I even evaluate each photo that I plan to take on whether or not I can use it in a blog post.

My blog has become one of my favourite reads.. . .. ... and perhaps one of my greatest teachers.

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and passes by this way ~ I appreciate each and every one of you!



Becky said...

Wow that is a lot of blogs.....good for you to endure and stick to it, sounds like you have grwon through the process as well


krystle ann-marie said...

It's an online journal! That's why I love it so much! I like reading everyone elses ideas and thoughts. Thanks for keeping me going with blogging!