Saturday, October 27, 2012 | By: Anita

Who are you fooling?

If you had Mary Poppins’s measuring tape, what would it say about you?
Much as I’d like to think I was practically perfect in every way, I suspect mine would probably just read “could do better”.

And yet, I persist in attempts at personality makeovers. I’m always on the hunt for something, anything that might make me a better me.

When I was looking for verses about perfectionism, I realized that scripture makes it so clear that being a perfectionist, placing faith in our own abilities or strength, is foolish.

I love that!

I’m thankful for the straightforward truth that reminds me I can’t possibly be perfect, because nobody is perfect.

Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.
{Ecclesiastes 7:20}

And as 1 John 1:8 says, if we say we are, we’re just fooling ourselves.

Who do I think I am trying to fool with my “everything’s okay” mask and “I’ve got it under control” attitude? Why do I think people believe it when I act like I never make mistakes? They don’t. Nobody believes that because it’s not true ~ for any of us.

None of us is perfect, but the beauty that comes in spite of that admission is that God loves us anyway. He IS perfect, so we don’t have to be. What freedom! What grace! What relief from the burden of myself. None of us is perfect – not even one, not even me.

While it’s ok to strive for perfection it truly is impossible let alone attainable - we’re not called to be perfect.. .. .... .. ... just obedient.

Who are you fooling?
