As I approached the main normally traffic lighted intersection I started to wonder if the other drivers knew the rules. You know the one where if the lights are out we are to treat this intersection as if it was a 4 way stop.
Do you remember the rules/etiquette of 4-way stops?
As I sat there waiting for what I thought was my turn I noticed this:
1. NO ONE was paying attention when they pull up to the stop sign. Who was there first?
2. Everyone was stopped, no one goes, but then drivers slowly started edging out.3. Drivers wave people through when it’s not the other drivers turn, it’s the wavers turn! But because they were not paying attention, and don’t know it’s their turn they decide to be polite and nicey nicey and wave the other cars through until they are alone and then they are sure that it is in fact now their turn.
4. Drivers barely stopped and go out of turn.
5. Drivers didn’t stop at all they…well they quite literally run the flippin four-way stop, because everyone is stopped and they are in a hurry so on they go…barely giving the brakes a tap, with the whole “I’m more important people, so don’t move I’m barrelling on through!” attitude.
To be honest, much to my complete and utter embarrassment, I will admit that I have been guilty to almost all of these 4-way stop rules/etiquette at one time or another.
So, after I got home I looked it up and found out that: After a full-stop has been made, vehicles usually have the right-of-way to proceed through the intersection in the order that they arrived at the intersection. If vehicles arrive at approximately the same time, each driver must yield to the drivers on their right.
You would think that by following this simple but obvious rule it should all work out.. .. eventually.
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