Friday, October 12, 2012 | By: Anita

I've lost my MOJO!

Are you ready to work, serve, or create with passion today?

Or is your passion for what you do gone?

Feeling ...
If you are feeling depleted, overwhelmed, stressed-out, frumpy, tired, bored or lethargic, you may have lost your mojo. Urban Dictionary describes mojo as: N. 1. Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation.

I know that feeling. I've felt burnt out before. Burnt out on working before. Burnt out on house-keeping before. Burnt out on blogging before. It's an awful feeling and a worse way to live.

If you want to fall back into love - with your work, your home, your hobby, your family, your life, or even your walk with God - you have to change your attitude and show up to it differently than you have been.

How can you make your work fun? How can you be cheerful while working? How can you get creative or inventive with your ministry? Or, how much could simply speaking positively about your life begin to retrain your thoughts and feelings about it?

Maybe zeal is something we bring to our work, rather than our work bringing to us. How can you and I approach our work, ministry or life with zeal instead of just waiting for it to hopefully emerge?

Burn out is common, but it's also curable. When you’ve lost your passion mojo, acknowledge that reality, and realize that it’s time make a change about the way you think - after all attitude IS everything!
