Thursday, August 4, 2011 | By: Anita

Sleep - it's overrated

For some unknown reason, I am having great difficulty sleeping. It's not just tonight, or should I say last night. Since one could classify 4:15am as already morning - but alot of nights I find myself awake. It's not that I think I had alot on my mind which is preventing me to sleep, but there must be something buzzing through my mind that is preventing it to rest well.

So here I sit, yawning away trying to convince myself that I am in fact tired and should try to return to bed. Although I must admit I hate laying there for those seeming less hours trying to force myself to go back to sleep, while not disturbing my hubby.

Although, he too has had some restless nights. I joked that he's gotten to "that age" where one doesn't sleep anymore. He didn't seem to think that was very funny. And I'm afraid I must agree with him since the tables have turned and I too have been having difficulty sleeping.

Now for a nice cup of tea, maybe do a little reading and get myself back to bed.
