Wednesday, August 10, 2011 | By: Anita

Alter Ego

Today, I was over at Krystle's putting in some time between appointments and we started playing Batman & Robin Lego x-box video game. First off, you should know that I am very bad at these kind of 3D games. I tend to run around following the main character, literally moving my controller up, down and around trying to get my Lego person to move and when the controller vibrates, I tend to scream like a little girl. ^.^

We had to switch controllers many times since I would have great difficulty jumping, running, pushing, building, pretty much everything needed to do to pass each level. But I don't think Krys minded to much, in fact at point we were laughing so hard that our alter ego's both died.

As we continued through the many different levels I started playing a little better and we would keep advancing. At one point though we were stuck, we could not, for the life of us figure out what it was we were do. So naturally we called the expert, but before Gerard could answer, I accidentally jumped on something and it was exactly what we needed to do to keep moving. hurray!

It was a super fun way to fill in some time and I'm looking forward to the next time so we can finish the game and beat all the bad guys.



krystle ann-marie said...

heehee I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

I have the game for Wii, and I think you just went up 1000% in terms of being the coolest Mom I know, after my own of course, she's already got top percentage spot. Do I need to ask which was batman and which robin?