Wednesday, August 31, 2011 | By: Anita

The End of the Month

The End of August. When the kids were still in school this time of year meant getting back into routines. Not only the routine of going to school, but the routine of getting to bed on time, AND getting out of bed in time too. They sure didn't want to miss that bus ride to school. It also meant eating meals at a more "normal" time. Today for me signifies the end of summer. The end of freedom per se. I've always enjoyed the freedom that summer brought.

As a stay-at-home during those summer years we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. and we did! We would spent countless hours playing outside. Spend days at the beach. Go on short mini-vacations - like to Marineland. We were not governed to the rhythm of a clock. gosh i miss those days!

This summer was a little different from the previous one. I found with the decline in my health I needed to slow my life down. So I dropped from a four day work week to a three day work week and spent much more time "just being" as opposed to "doing". I took more time to sit, whether I was reading, or just soaking up the sun.

It's hard to believe that last year this time we were busy packing, sorting & moving both our boys as they were heading off to post-secondary schools. How quickly a year goes by. Next week as Wayne returns to driving bus, Kyle begins another school year, Darcy starts full-time work, I find myself counting down the days until the next summer.



Becky said...

I think I will start my count down as well...
It sure has been another sun & fun filled summer this year at the Gerbers
Having the whole summer off a BONUS!!!
