Monday, July 25, 2011 | By: Anita


It's that season of the year again, when it is time to harvest the wheat. Each fall my farmer-husband faithfully plants the seed in the ground, watching & waiting as it grows. It's then hidden under a blanket of snow during the winter {and last year we had alot of snow}, he continues to monitor it's growth through the spring and into the summer; until it's time to harvest.

With the weather we've been having it's been tricky trying to combine the wheat fields. It seems we get just enough rain to stop them in their tracks, but not enough rain for the rest of the fields. It's been a little frustrating, to say the least. He seems to be coping better than I am, while we wait. In Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 2b it says "to everything there is a season, a time to plant and a time to uproot". As each season comes and goes in our lives, I'm reminded how quickly time passes. We're in a fast-moving, fast-paced society. So it was good to just sit on the front porch with my "best" friend as we watched the combine and said "good-bye wheat, hello-o-o money".



Becky said...

Well you know what papa says when the wheat stubble is in the fields...6 more weeks till cold weather and 5 more months till Christmas....

That should help you think cool thoughts...or how fast the time really does fly by


krystle ann-marie said...

5 months 'til CHRISTMAS!!! ;)