Monday, July 4, 2011 | By: Anita

Out of touch

Saturday night we had yet another wicked wind & rain storm, leaving us without hydro, Internet, television or telephone. Talk about being cut off from the rest of the world.

Normally I do not mind when the hydro is out. It gives us a break from all the gadgets and gizmo's, allowing us to spend time together without any distractions. We can usually find something to do, whether it's playing a game, or just chatting away catching up on everyday things. And at this time of year we can BBQ so we can eat. Yes, we do have a generator so we can run the necessary items, like our sump-pump so the basement doesn't flood and in the winter months it helps to keep us from freezing.

But, with no phone.. .. . . it was really frustrating! No-one {except those who have our cell-phone} could get a hold of us. We ended up spending the most of the day yesterday waiting for the phone & hydro service repair guys. It was quite surprising that we, out of all the neighbours, were the only ones without hydro. It seems a hydro wire at the end of our lane got zapped. Needless to say I am glad to be back n the land of technology.



Stuart Blyde said...

Oh, Anita! I feel your pain. For the first hour, Duncan paced back and forth lamenting the loss of hydro because he couldn't watch his movie; Gabriel and Raven griped and moaned; Candice was fit to be tied and eventually went to bed early, just because there was no Internet. So, I grabbed a couple of beers and headed out on the deck to enjoy the quiet and play my guitar. If it didn't unsettle my family so badly, I'd recommend a power failure at least once a week!

krystle ann-marie said...

Hydro one of those little blessings that you really miss when you don't have it anymore.