Monday, October 4, 2010 | By: Anita

Falling Behind

OK, before I begin I must admit I like the intended pun of the title of this post ~ it's frightfully accurate.

Wayne & I are business owners where we share the multiple tasks of running the business together. I, however am the lucky individual who does the bookwork. But as of late, I've gotten a few months (OK, I haven't actually started 2010) behind in keeping the books up to date. Normally I love 'doing' the books. I get excited balancing to the exact penny, even thought the accountant says I don't need to. But here I sit at the computer and while I should be doing bookwork I am totally distracted by blogging, facebook, googling and anything else I can do to prevent me from starting. Who'd have thought that I was a procrastinator ... . .. mhmm maybe I should go and get the mail. {smirk}
