Saturday, March 27, 2010 | By: Anita

College kid

Today Darcy & I went to the Open house at Fanshawe College. He has applied and has been accepted into the Law Clerk program. It's a two year program and he has applied to live in residence. We took a tour of the school, the rez and sat in on an info session for the program. It's a pretty big campus and I'm sure it'll take time until he gets his bearings. But just like anything once you're used to it, it won't seem like such a big deal.

It's hard to believe that this year Krystle finishes her post-secondary schooling while Darcy is just beginning. I get a little emotional when I think of Darcy leaving home and going to school. You'd think that with one of the kids having already gone through the post-secondary school system, I'd be used to it. Thankfully I have a few months until he moves out to get used to it.

One of the definite perks is that I get to go back to school shopping this year. I didn't realize how much I missed it when I couldn't go last year.



Anonymous said...

krystle likes this post. and likes back to school shopping :)

Becky said...


I am so happy to hear that he has narrowed it down, sounds like a PERFECT course for him,
and rez...WOW!!! that will be hard for you I am sure...

I am so glad to hear that things are falling into place...I am sure you look at this with MANY mixed emotions...

Good thing you have a bit of time to get adjusted to everything...


Becky said...


how great to hear that Darcy has been able to pick an area to study..
I think it is a PERFECT fit for him.
AND WOW rez as well.. that is awesome.

I am sure you are having MANY mixed emotions about all this change..
know that I am praying for you, you will make it through..
good thing you have a bit of time to adjust to these changes


Sandra Regier - Photographer said...

Any year in the near future that you feel like taking a bunch of kids back to school shopping let me know :)

So glad to hear your exciting news! Congrats to Darcy!