Monday, March 22, 2010 | By: Anita


ugh! I hate that word ~ it sends me into a chaotic frenzy.....
We've started renovating the back room. This is the room we are in and out of at least 100x a day. It's our main entrance to the house and is in desperate need of re-vamping.

This room was the woodshed of the original farmhouse. Many different Reno's have been done to the house. From adding a room, to opening doorways, changing doorways, creating a veranda, plus many layers of wall-paper, coats of paint, hard-wood floors, carpet, and now laminate flooring. Since I've been here we've done every room in the house at least once and alot of them, twice. Except the back room; I did paint the walls about 15 years ago, so needless to say this room is lo-o-o-ng over due.

We're planning on painting the walls, putting new flooring in, new blinds for the windows and new area carpet. Not alot to do, just a little freshen up as we want it to look nice for the wedding.

It's hard to believe how much stuff one can accumulate. We've got everything from the backroom sitting in the dining room right now and it's stressing me greatly. I am a Type-A personality and I like, no I need, to have everything in it's place. We've just begun the renovations and I am anxiously counting down the days till there done.

And since every post needs a picture, and the room is not close to being done, I thought I'd post this from my favourite house design site: Jenish For that day - in the not to distant future when I hopefully get to pick the next house we're going to live in.



Becky said...

Just think how nice it will look when it is ALL finished...

By the way can't wait to see the new house when it is built...LOL like farmer would ever go for a NEW house
