Monday, March 8, 2010 | By: Anita


Our local library has become one of my favourite hangouts. I could and do spend countless hours there looking at books, trying to decide which one to borrow. Sometimes I feel like Belle in the Disney's Beauty in the Beast movie where she goes to the bookstore looking for a new book and when there is nothing new she borrows her favourite ~ AGAIN. I have several books in my own home library that I love to read again and again.

There are times I must admit that I judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes I'm lucky and the book is phenomenal, other times I start reading only to be disappointed and end up not finishing the novel. I've learned that there are too many good books to waste my time reading bad books. I don't give up however, I continue to visit the library weekly and continue to borrow many books. These days I've several books on the go too ~ The Last Surgeon by Michael Palmer, Forgotten God by Francis Chan and The Flirt by Kathleen Tessaro.

Chapters is another place I love to spend time in. It combines my love for books and my fetish for Chai Tea Latte's. The only thing better would be if you could borrow books from chapters either that or I need our librarian to make a good cuppa tea, then I'd be set. ^.^



Anonymous said...

You will have to let me know if you like "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan. I picked it up and flipped through it at Chapters the other day ;) Also, Crazy Love by him is suppose to be good.