Sunday, May 31, 2009 | By: Anita

Road Trip???

Wayne & I decided that today we were going for a drive to Colasantis in Kingsville. Before we left, I did a quick Mapquest search for directions since neither one of us have even been there before. So with our trusty directions we head out, we're travelling along quite nicely until the road we're travelling on has a detour, ok no problem we think we'll follow the detour and be on our merry way. We're driving for quite a while only to end up back where we started at the beginning of the detour - what? how did that happen? I was so frustrated that I was ready to go home. I must mention that I am directionally challenged and can get lost very easy, I joke that I can get lost in a closet. But no, Wayne however wasn't ready to give up, so we headed back to a gas station to purchase an actual map and follow it instead. It seems that the detour people forgot one little sign and took us and I'm sure many others for a nice loop around. Once I had my map I was set, as we're driving along I keep commenting that 'yep this is the right way because there was that sign'. Wayne thought it quite humorous that once I had my map I wasn't so worried about getting lost.

Only an hour later than planned we ended up at Colasantis, it is definitely worth the drive. There is a huge greenhouse - with both annuals & perennials, cacti, bonsai trees; petting zoo; numerous arcade games; home decor, Christmas decorations and a restaurant that serves the best broasted chicken we've ever had. mmhmmm We spent several hours looking around and purchasing a few things. What a great time!

On our way home we also stopped at Parks Blueberries another place I've wanted to go to but haven't taken the time to visit. This place is wonderful, the fresh baking, the blueberries, the unique gift ware, the blueberries, the homemade jams, the blueberries, the quaint atmosphere, oh yeah and the blueberries makes me want to go again - soon. Now that I've been there once, I can hopefully find it again. I'm one of those people who, when travelling go by landmarks not necessarily by roadsigns. Probably not a good idea, because if the landmark is ever gone, I'd be lost. unless I take a map ^.^

It's a fearful thing to be lost, but I guess one of things I learned was always have a map when travelling >.< no seriously, I learned that there is no point in getting all worried. The only thing that happened was we were an hour late, big deal.
