Friday, May 22, 2009 | By: Anita

One at a time

We are blessed to have three kids...although now a days they can hardly fit into the category as kids.
Krystle, Kyle & Darcy are 21, 20 & 19, for about a week, then Krystle has her birthday and she turns 22. (which is coming soon) Each year I take a photo to capture this moment and remind myself what a blessing these three are in my life.

It was a little more challenging when they were younger, trying to raise kids so close together, but now I wouldn't change it for the world. I love that fact they they grew up together and are very close relationally with each other because there never was a big age gap between them. We were and still are able to do things together as a family without anyone being to young or to small to be with the rest of us.

Watching my kids grow into mature, independent young adults leaves me with the feeling of great satisfaction. I've got great kids and I'm so very proud of who they are. Sorry, I know I'm bragging, but hey "it's my blog and I'll brag if I want to, brag if I want to, you would brag to if they were your kids too!" (to the tune of It's my Party by Lesley Gore.)

For many people, they dread the teenage years, but I've enjoyed them thoroughly. Probably the best years so far! I'm not saying it was always easy, sure there were challenges, arguments, tests of patience and disappointments, but all things considered those are the times that have made us who we are today and for than I am thankful.



Anonymous said...

encouraging words for a mom who is just STARTING the teen years...
I know I will survive.....
with a great role model for a sister in how you raised your kids...
how fast they do grow up...

Anonymous said...

we weren't terrible teens! :D hahah. our mom was just crazy!