Sunday, May 3, 2009 | By: Anita


Today was one of those bittersweet moments in my life.

As post-secondary schools come to a close, most students begin their return to their perspective homes, my daughter however is not one of them. Even though Krystle has completed her 3rd year (way to go Kryssi!) at Heritage Baptist College & Seminary, she is not returning home. Krystle is choosing to stay in Cambridge again this summer continuing her work with Imagine Adoption (an international adoption agency).

I'm very proud that Krystle has become such an independent young woman who is ready to be on her own. Yet..... I miss her. She was home this weekend and planning to come home again the next, but it's not quite the same as living here.



Monica said...

If she were mine, I would miss her too.

Thanks for sharing these glimpses into your life, Anita. You are a gem.