Tuesday, June 2, 2009 | By: Anita


Wayne has been searching for the last few months for a 4X4 truck. We`ve test driven more than our share of different trucks - Fords, Dodges, GMC`s. I was holding out for one that would seat six, but the pickings were slim.
On Saturday we went to Listowel as there were a couple trucks Wayne thought we should look at. After taking one for a test drive I started walking through the car lot and I came across this:

4X4 GMC Avalanche AND in our price range, plus it seats 6. We went out for lunch to discuss the possibility of buying it and the more we chatted the more excited I got, so much so, I couldn`t eat.

So, we did it!! We bought it,

and went back to Listowel tonight to pick it up and I had the opportunity to drive it home, oh my it gives a sweeet ride!



Anonymous said...

WHAT !!!! you were in Listowel...so close to your sister and you did NOT stop in to show us the new truck...
what the heck!!!
I will forgive you
looks like a great truck and sounds like an answer to prayer

Anonymous said...

w.e.d.d.i.n.g. present. :D