Saturday, May 16, 2009 | By: Anita

Bloomin' Wonderful

ahhh.. the smell of spring, I think it's finally arrived.

We have a Harvest Apple tree in the backyard, and it has the most beautiful blooms on it. It's a sure sign that spring, even though it's late this year in coming.

The weather has been putting a damper (quite literally) on me. I read my friend Melanie's blog and she echoed exactly what I was thinking and feeling. In short it's about having periods in your life where things are not all that they should/could be. That everyone around you seems to be going in full force and you're stuck in the crowd just following along. Not really paying attention to the details, but just getting by.
We can get so caught up doing life that we don't live life. But how do we slow down or may I say it 'stop'. Society today wears busyness as a badge of honour; you ask anyone how they're doing and the most common answer will be 'busy'. How sad is that.

Well not me, at least for now, I'm going to begin by adding white space into my daytimer and allow myself a slower lifestyle and take time to smell the flowers.... especially the ones on the apple tree and dream of warm apple pie.



Huron Ridge said...

I love the thought of white space.
I try and do this as well but would really like to make that time better/more productive for me.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!!!
This has to be a sure sign of warmer days to come...
I am so LOVING the fact that I have white space in the evening to go fo family bike rides and just relaxing and not running kids to sports events..I think I may get used to this ...