Friday, November 25, 2016 | By: Anita

It's Coming!

I love the story "How the Grinch stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss. 
Are you familiar with it?

It's the story of the Grinch, that lives on snowy Mount Crumpit, just north of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his faithful dog, Max. From his perch high atop Mount Crumpit, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Envious of the Whos' happiness, he makes plans to descend on the town and, by means of burglary, deprive them of their Christmas presents and decorations and thus "prevent Christmas from coming". However, he learns in the end that despite his success in stealing all the Christmas presents and decorations from the Whos, Christmas comes just the same. 

Christmas is coming!

And there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Not. One. Thing.  But rather than let the busyness of the Christmas season overshadow the presence of a holiday designed to celebrate God’s love and sacrifice, I should be preparing my heart to respond to Him out of love and gratitude.  

We’re ready for Christmas, not when we have all the gifts purchased, nor have the house decorated, the cookies baked, watched all our shows, or even sang all the carols.  We're ready for Christmas when we’re set to give all of ourselves to Christ.

Right in the midst of all the wrapping, baking, cleaning, gift buying, parade watching, concert attending, meal preparing busyness, take time to quiet your heart and rest your mind on true meaning of Christmas. 

So this Christmas, I'm not going to add worry, busyness or stress to my Christmas list of things to do.  I'm simply going to prepare my heart to receive the gift of every moment ~ no matter what the moment unexpectedly holds ~ as a gift of His love.
If you find this Christmas season is suddenly upon you, how will you prepare?  Is there room in your heart, in your life, for Jesus to come?

Take Care


Anneliese said...

This is a continual challenge for me. I really need to learn how to be still and take in the blessing of the gift given to us, without worrying about the gift list and to do lists to fill. It's hard not to.