Wednesday, April 15, 2015 | By: Anita

Two Cents

Sometimes my mouth just gets me into trouble. Saying too much. Saying it too soon. That’s not always a bad thing. But it’s not always a good thing either.
For an opinionated person, it can be a difficult thing. Because let’s be honest, I almost always have an opinion. And a willingness to share it.

Sometimes the words need to be spoken though. Wrongs need to be righted. Opinions need to be shared. Hearts need to be protected.

The question always is in the right words and the right time. And discerning that has been a hard lesson to learn.

What God has so graciously taught me is that I always need to wait to speak until He has released me to do so. 

James 1:19 {New Internatioanl Version {NIV}} says: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”

We’ve likely heard that verse many times, but when a situation arises that feels like I need to give my two cents worth, I need to pray for the words and the opportunity. Sometimes God gives me all the right words…but doesn’t open the door. Other times, what seems to be the opportune time arises, and there are no words for a change.

So I must wait.  Which I’m not good at doing. But I am trying to learn to wait, until God gives me the go-ahead.

I am trying to learn to wait.

I am trying to learn.

I am trying.

How have you learned to wait?

Take Care


Debra said...

Oooo thats a tough one indeed and a challenge. It's much easier I find to be a listener when its a friend but when it comes to family I think I'm quicker to jump in. I must remember to keep my mouth quiet with them too.