Saturday, April 25, 2015 | By: Anita

Eight Weeks

Making a list and checking it twice doesn’t just happen at Christmas.

Ask any women who has decided it’s time to de-clutter her house before the move, and she’ll tell you she’s doing just that.
And more, so much more.

Eight weeks from today we move into our new house. EEEK!

Eight weeks!  The truth about that sends me into a tailspin. Seriously.

Trying to prepare myself for this reality has been useless. It’s not like I’ve had my head hidden in the sand, or that I’ve not known this day would come.  It’s just been hard thinking about getting rid of some the things that have made this home…home.

How does one pack up a house of almost thirty years of stuff and memories in just eight weeks? Deciding what to donate, what to throw away, what to keep.  Such priceless memories penetrate my mind as I recall those special days, which seem so incredibly long ago, but yet, not.

Where has the time gone?

I know I'm not the first women to pack up her house.  There are many other women who have gone before me through this time of emotion and rush.   These last weeks will zip by quicker than I realize; likely making these the most busiest eight weeks of my life.

However, I want to soak in every precious minute, every small detail. I want to cherish the moment I’m in, and not be overwhelmed with the process. I want to focus on what’s important, and not on the trivial. Through it all, may I continue to see all that God has blessed me with and watch in awe of what God is doing in this amazing season I find myself in through this move.

Take Care


Debra said...

Hopefully it will be a stressless move... If there is such a thing. Lol. How about a peaceful move? That everything you purge from your life you will be at peace with.

Anneliese said...

I feel for you! I cant' imagine what it will be like for us to move out of this house one day. It's been 28 years now and I don't want to move. Well, maybe moving one day will be good, but the thought of the de-cluttering
is overwhelming.
Wishing you all the best!