Monday, April 6, 2015 | By: Anita


I walked my dog the other day, as I do most days, and while I walked I prayed, like I do most days.
{photo taken last fall during a quite walk on the trail}

I love those times with my dog because, really, they are my quiet times with God. Times away from the household. Times away from the endless piles of dishes and the laundry and the dinner that needs to be planned. Times away from the phone and from the computer, which steals me too often away from everything else.

When I walk, it’s just God and me, talking things out…  {well, and the dog, doing whatever it is dogs do.}

I wondered, how my life would change if my desire for Him matched my need for Him.

What would it look like if I . . .
. . . woke up every morning anticipating His life-giving words rather than that first cup of tea?
. . . wanted time alone with Him as much as I want that second cookie?
. . . really sought His opinion on decisions more than my husband’s or my friends’?

As I talked this through with God, I realized that I’m an imperfect, neglectful follower of Jesus who really does have good intentions. But my intentions need a little boost these days.

In that short walk with my dog, God showed me that He wants me to want Him.

And so I wonder… what would my life look like if I desired God as much as I need Him?

What would yours?

Take Care