Thursday, October 23, 2014 | By: Anita

Happy and know it!

“You're never happy.”  Those are the words said to me by my husband. And I will be honest, the words hurt. However, those words probably hurt because I knew there was truth to them. While the word “never” is a bit extreme, when I'm honest with how I've responded in recent situations, I can appreciate why my husband would make such a statement. 

But those words have pierced my heart. Maybe God needed me to hear those words. Not in an attempt to be hurtful {that is not God}, but to draw me closer to Him..

Life is so full of good things, we ought to be happy. But you, see I equate happy with perfect!

Alice Domar, in her book Be Happy without being Perfect” reminds those of us with perfectionist tendencies that ‘perfection is the enemy of happiness’ and that ‘we’re not perfect and guess what? we don't have to be’.

And yet, if I’m not careful, I tend to rush through the process of living on my way to the next big thing. Too often I've allowied circumstances to dictate whether or not I am happy. I've wasted countless hours and days and even years looking ahead, eager for the following appointment. 

Life will never be perfect. I know, I know I am slow on the uptake…

So through it all, in our longing to have and be more, we need to learn:

to enjoy this place,
to slow down and be present, and
to give thanks for it all.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 {New International Version {NIV}}

The truth is, today is all we have. So we might as well live it cheerfully. And honour Him. And bring Him glory. And trust Him. The key to staying HAPPY is to be thankful for all things.  

 ♪♫♫♪ Cause if you’re happy and you know, then you really want to show it… if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands {clap, clap} ♪♫♫♪ 

Happy, not perfect … there is a difference!



krystle ann-marie said...

There's a difference between being happy and joyful. I don't think we need to be "happy" all the time. It's impossible!