Wednesday, October 1, 2014 | By: Anita


It seems that a lot of the blogs I follow are joining in with the Nester’s 31 Days Series ~ an invitation to write for 31 days straight for the month of October. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve even done it before. 
A couple of years ago, I had been seeing a few blog posts about it. I wondered what it was as I had never heard of it before. And my curiosity was peaked. After a little investigating, I learned that it was a writing challenge where bloggers pick a topic of their choice ~ and write about this one topic ~ every day, for the 31 days of October.  I found myself checking in daily to see what was being written which resulted in me starting to follow several of these blogs…

I was thinking, that this year, I might join in on the 31 days, but wasn’t sure how I could manage it.

Last year for the month of October, I did blog every day following the prompts based on two of the blogs I used to follow regularly. I realized that since I enjoyed checking in everyday to see what they were writing about, I thought that I too could give this a try. I was excited to see what the next 31 days would teach me. 

But this year?

Deciding to write for 31 days straight seems completely intimidating and exhausting. Seriously. If you’re like me, you write maybe two or three times a week on a normal month. At the beginning of this year I introduced two weekly posts “mhmm Monday”,  featuring a recipe that I have either made or hope to make and “Beautiful Things” posted each Saturday, that shares something beautiful that happened during the week.

All through September I’ve been thinking about whether or not to join the 31 Day series. How would I continue to be inspired to write each and every day? How do I choose a topic that would be relevant for 31 days? Or, should I just continue doing my own thing?

So for this October, while I love to read those who are joining the 31 Day series ~ cause you know I’ll be checking in… daily. It’s just not the right fit for me this time.

Are you joining the 31 Days?



krystle ann-marie said...

Thanks for the reminder, I will be doing it! :)

Debra said...

Phew! As much I enjoy reading everyone else's blog I'm not sure I could handle the pressure. If I didn't have something I felt was blog worthy everyday I'd feel like a failure, on the other hand I would find myself finishing up a lot of projects to share. lol