Thursday, July 31, 2014 | By: Anita

Lesson from a Migraine

It is always hard to think of suffering as having a purpose. Yet we know everything which happens in our lives is for a purpose. Therefore, if suffering is a part of life’s journey, then it also must have a purpose in our lives.


I have had them for as long as I can remember although not to the intensity as of late. These past few weeks have been the worst experienced, every one of my senses heightened beyond what was tolerable …

Light was brighter.

Sounds were louder.

Smells were stronger.

Taste was unappetizing.

And touch was unbearable.

To be honest, this last bout was quite difficult, I did not even know what to do for myself.  I’m simply weary. The dishes that somehow always fill up the counter, the laundry that piles up, the lawn that is need of mowing ~ again! Add to that, the farm is in full harvest swing, creating a very busy schedule. It's not like one can just stop and wait for these to pass...

However, during these times an understanding has come to me. As I lay on the big comfy chair, I’ve come to realize that God does not bring us difficulties, or suffering, just for the sake of suffering. It always has a purpose.

When I have no next move, or I’m totally empty, utterly spent, with not one ounce of energy left in me... I’ve come to discover how much I need quiet, to just still myself before Him, despite the busyness. 

because it’s what happens in the quiet times

I forget that He calls us to stillness, to a deep sense of calm. That He speaks most clearly when I am most quiet. That even through my headaches, He shines clear. This is real life, and real life can be messy and sometimes we’ll get a headache or two or even everyday for a month. And that in spite of the headaches, weariness or busyness, we can be still and know

Funny what can be learned in the midst of a migraine.



Debra said...

Yup your right! I don't normally get headaches but have had them more frequently this summer. I'm thankful it's not a full blown migraine. But even my little headaches has slowed me down and caused me to pause and be more reflectful. Thanks for reminding me there is a purpose in everything.