Friday, July 11, 2014 | By: Anita


It all started with reading my devotional. One sentence was all it took for me to get focused. I am continually amazed at the timing of devotions. I can open up a book, written years before I am reading it and it speaks directly to where I am. They truly make me realize that God sees everything which takes place in our lives. And this week is surely no different. Today, I found this:
Rest from the burden of a small god:
Because I have found the Lord.
Rest from doing things my way;
Because the Lord is my Shepherd.
Rest from endless wants;
Because I shall not want.
Rest from weariness;
Because he makes my to lie down.
Rest from worry;
Because he leads me.
Rest from hopelessness;
Because he restores my soul.
Rest from guilt;
Because he leads me in the paths of righteousness.
Rest from arrogance;
Because of his name’s sake.
Rest from the valley of death;
Because he walks me through it.
Rest from the shadow of grief;
Because he guides me.
Rest from fear;
Because his presence comforts me.
Rest from loneliness;
Because he is with me.
Rest from shame;
Because he has prepared a place for me in the presence of my enemies.
Rest from my disappointments;
Because he anoints me.
Rest from envy;
Because my cup overflows.
Rest from doubt;
Because he follows me.
Rest from homesickness;
Because I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
It has been a long, rough week. It is hard to think of suffering as having a purpose. Yet we know everything that happens in our lives is for a reason. Therefore, if suffering is a part of life’s journey, then it also must have a purpose in our lives.  When life attempts to throw me off balance, I CAN, through Christ, do all things {Philippians 4:13}. But it is a choice... and one that can only happen as I remain focused on Him.
