Tuesday, April 8, 2014 | By: Anita

You've got Mail

With 151 e-mails, 27 notices from Facebook and 14 different blog updates that I subscribe to that send automatic updates,
I realized that I really need to monitor my inbox a little closer. Cause really, does Bath & Body really need to update me three times in one week of their sales? Probably not.

Most of my mornings start the same way with waking up, shuffling to the bathroom, putting the kettle on for tea, and then guess what…if you are like me, you turn on your computer and/or turn on the T.V. turned to the station that plays BX93. And then BAM!, you are now bombarded with a flood of noise that will most likely continue all. day. long.

Things like social media have made it super simple. I can log on to almost everything, anywhere in the world and get instantaneous updates from Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, Google and more, oh so much more! My email is also right there making it feel like we've never left home.

But after being on holidays in Jamaica, {hence the 151 e-mails, 27 notices from Facebook and 14 different blog automated updates} spending our days going for walks, collecting seashells from the beach, soaking up the sun, reading books, swimming in the pool, resting and only having access to 90 minutes a day of free wi-fi, I soon realized that I spend wa-a-a-a-a-ay to much time on the computer, when I am home. And I’ve been convicted with how I spend my time concerning my addiction to stay connected and see what’s going on in the world. Now today, I did spent an inordinate amount time unsubscribing from so many of those automatic e-mails.

But after today, things are going to change. 

Now after waking, rather than head straight to the computer, or turn on the T.V. I’m going to discipline myself and head straight to the treadmill, walk for 35 minutes, then take some time and spend it with God in His word with a cuppa tea, eat some breakfast and then limit myself of the time I give to the lure of the computer. I want to become more intentional about how I spend my days.

I must admit that I am already nervous about it, but I’m also excited. I know that this isn’t going to be easy to do at first and I am already preparing myself for that.

What about you? Would you be willing to limit your time to social media?



krystle ann-marie said...

Absolutely, I agree with you whole-heartedly. I tried to do my daily Bible reading & devotions before I even type in Facebook. It doesn't always happen, but it helps that I am making it more of a discipline. It's definitely improving my relationship with God and my faith!

Debra said...

I hear ya sister. We should keep each other accountable because I know I wake and do the same thing. I'd like to change that routine.