Thursday, April 24, 2014 | By: Anita

Running low

it turns out, i’m highly sensitive

Simply put HSP {highly sensitive people} means that “you are more easily overwhelmed when you have been out in a highly stimulating environment for too long, bombarded by sights and sounds until you are exhausted.” Renowned expert Dr. Elaine Arons adds that HSP are those who are “aware of subtleties in their surroundings, a great advantage in many situations”.

I am running low these days.

I am running low on energy and having a hard time figuring out what is “wrong” with me and why the normal day-to-day things seem to overwhelm me more than they used to do.

After the last week I had had, I knew I needed to sit and list the things I want to be doing, the things I know others want me to do, and the things I need to do for my family and home. And how those things can fit into the week. As I sat at the table, I began to cry out in frustration because I simply cannot do everything I’d like to do… it’s not a matter of ‘I’m spinning too many plates’ or ‘I just need more sleep’ ~ it's more of a ‘My body does not actually have the reserves to perform all these tasks and perform them well. I have to say no to some things that seem like very good things or I am going to fall apart.’

It’s a big, hard thing for the pride of this self-confident woman to discover that God gave me less energy and more sensitivity than He did others. 

But the thing is, because I have less energy, I simply cannot do all the things that seem good for me or others. I can only do what has God for me.

So that’s why I am about to “call in sick” to some ongoing activity and rearrange how I spend my time, according to my needs in this season. I’m going to be sitting down with my Bible, my calendar, and my husband to determine what things are currently God’s best for my time and energy.

God’s design for me isn’t to limit me and it isn’t to frustrate my family. It’s to glorify Himself through me.

Do you have a good handle on what God is asking of you in these days? How are you making room for God’s say-so in your family, work, and relationships?



Debra said...

I know you will figure out what's right for you. When my hand acted up last year, I think I had to learn more patience with myself, then ever before. I think God likes to take the thing we think we have a handle on and shake things up. I know for me the last 4 months have been just that. A biiiigggg shake up, but what's different this time around is I've kept my joy. Some days are harder then others, but at the end of the day I go to bed reminding myself I've got plenty to be thankful for.