Thursday, April 17, 2014 | By: Anita


There’s a trend going around Facebook these days … quizzes! In fact, there is a quiz for just about everything. In the past few weeks I have learned some pretty earth shattering things about myself.  
The decade I belong in is the 60’s, I should have been a professor, I should live in Tennessee, {which would be so cool, cause I love their accent} the Hunger Games character I am is Peeta, the Grease character I am is Frenchie, the food I am is a banana, however I am a knife in the cutlery drawer, oh and there is so much more I have learned about myself.

Which means, of course, that I’ve taken every “What {Disney princess/Friends character/Muppet/arbitrary object {WHAT?!}} Are You?” quiz that exists. {so, in case you’re wondering ~ and of course you are } I’m Vizzini from The Princes Bride, Jessie from Saved by the Bell, Queen Amidala in Star Wars, Dr. Hopper from Once Upon a time, Kramer from Seinfeld, Bernadette from The Big Bang Theory, Hurley from Lost, Arya Stark from Game of Thrones, Eric from the 70’s show, Bert from Sesame Street and Jafar. {Don’t even ask me what that last one means. I don’t want to talk about it.} My Disney Prince is Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid …and yet I’m Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. My aura is green, and apparantly I am a Great Dane.

Most recently I took the quiz asking which celebrity couple my significant other and I are. According to this highly scientific test, my husband and I “are” Barack and Michelle Obama. “You guys prove that two dominant partners can not only form a healthy relationship, but even an inspiring one. There is no power struggle because your strengths only compliment each other for the bigger good. Despite being two individual powerhouses, you make a perfect team.”

Ummm, okay?

These quizzes are fun, the questions they ask are random and bizarre and I sincerely hope nobody takes them seriously. I do not look to these quizzes for my identity, I am no different after I take them than I am before.

For my identity I need to only look one place, and this place does not require me to answer some random questions to find out the answer. My identity is laid out for me clear as can be.

So where do I look and what is my identity?

I look to my favourite love letter. This is not a love letter from my husband… its from the One who loves me best… the One who loves me perfectly… this love letter is the Bible.

Here is what it tells me about myself...
I am a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am His masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10
I am complete. Colossians 2:9-10
I am loved. 1 John 4:10
I am a child of the King. John 1:12

These are just some of my favourites. For a more complete list, pick up a Bible and discover your identity!
