Tuesday, March 25, 2014 | By: Anita

Take a Break

I’m writing this with a packed suitcase at my feet, {♪♫♫ all my bags are packed and I’m ready to go ♪♫♪♪♪♫} as tomorrow the hubs and I are headed to Jamaica.
Do you find it hard to take vacation? No? Lucky you. Cause, you see, I do. I have a hard time with it; not because I think I'm so important that I have to be at home or things fall apart, but because I feel guilty. I mean really, since I am not gainfully employed, what do I need a vacation from?

So for the next two weeks, as we’re on vacation, I plan to soak up some warm Jamaican sun; savour late-nights conversations and sleep-in kinda mornings; eat delicious meals that I have not had to cook; revel in the fact that I do not have to clean up; enjoy sunshine-filled walks with the hubs; and drink in the beautiful scenery.

But let’s be honest here since I am slightly OCD. whoops I said lets be honest I have serious OCD. And because I am one of those peoples, I have this deep compulsion to follow through with my mhmm Mondays and my beautiful thing Saturdays even while Im awayand because I’ve pre-written those posts, I added a few others too, that are sitting in the queue and will be posted during my holidays Enjoy!

So while I am away, I’m not going to worry about the checklist of items that will need to get done around the house when we return. I am just going to take this time with my husband and appreciate the many wonderful memories we’re making.

We’re not meant to do it all, to be constantly on the go, never re-charging our mental, physical, and spiritual batteries.

How about you? What do you do to re-charge?


krystle ann-marie said...

I think you use that same picture every time you go away! Have a fun, safe trip! Thinking about you and praying for you! Love, Kryssi

Debra said...

Have fun! And bring back some heat.