Friday, March 14, 2014 | By: Anita

Make the choice

A few weeks ago, there was a particular day where I was feeling grumpy. Do you ever have those days, weeks, ok let's be honest, after all we're friends right? It's been a month where nothing is right and no matter what, I've just been cross? I don’t know it if was because of a lack of sleep, hormones, or just a random bad mood but, whatever the reason, I haven't had to many good days.

Battling with an auto-immune disease, some days are harder than others. For the past month or so my body has been hurting, I’m feeling tired and quite grumpy, I’m just not myself. Pretty much every morning, I would struggle to haul myself out of bed. It’s been a rough month in that department. It seems to take more effort than I have to simply take a step.

I've fallen into a weird pattern of telling myself that whatever is happening right this second is the way it will be now and forevermore, amen.

If I'm having a bad day, the rest of my life looks bleak.
If I'm a grumpy wife, my husband got gypped for life and just doesn't know it yet.
If I'm uninspired, I've lost my mojo. {and it's never coming back.}
Forgot something important? Early-onset dementia.
Can't string together a decent row of words? I used to be smart.

What if...
...things don't change, don't feel better, ...the person who hurt you never apologizes, ...your dream doesn't come true, ...people misunderstand you, feel like you haven't been successful, ...hard work doesn't pay off, ...your family isn't your closest ally, feel unprepared for current circumstances, ...your loved ones reject Christ, ...your heart gets broken,'s harder than you thought it would be?

...and when life feels overwhelming, it can either be met with lies or met with truth.

This morning, as I sat with my cuppa tea I was getting angry with God and having my own little pity party and all of a sudden God whispered to me, “It’s a choice, Anita”.

It is a choice to have joy despite being in physical pain. I don’t have to let my body determine my mood. That truth was very freeing to me. I have to intentionally choose to be joyful even if I am not feeling well! And by tonight my attitude was different. I kept reminding myself “I choose joy.” And it worked!

And the best thing?

I can apply the practice of choosing joy to everything! When I come home to a messy house ~ I choose joy. When my plans for the day get changed ~ I choose joy. When my husband hurts my feelings ~ I choose joy. When I’m waiting in a long line at the grocery store ~ I choose joy. When I’m disappointed ~ I choose joy. When I’m in another active cycle dealing with symptoms ~ I choose joy!
What about you? Are you choosing joy too? 
