Thursday, March 13, 2014 | By: Anita

Messy, messy, messy...

Yesterday was a mess.

It was one of those days when I really would’ve liked to throw in the towel. I find that there are a lot of those days in this active season of my illness. It’s frustrating to put all my effort into things and barely manage the status quo.

Some days are just like that.
Or maybe it's just me?

Even though I had big plans to be productive today, I'm choosing to accept another day of survival mode. But that's okay, because if there's one thing I've learned in the past year, is that life goes on.

I like things in our house to be tidy, or at least presentable. But as much as I appreciate neatness and order, I am not so good at maintaining it. I don't like to clean, and while my house isn’t usually messy, it’s not overly clean either.

It is easy for me to blame my untidy home ~ where dust bunnies are permanent residents and coffee mugs can be found piled around my desk ~ on everything and anything else.
Sure, part of me {the part that hates cleaning} loves this quote. Who needs to mop once a week when there are people to see, books to read, wines to drink, blogposts to write, and dogs to walk?

Cleaning does seem like a necessary evil at best, and a nagging enemy at worst ~ reminding me of my inadequacy. I can't do it all ~ keep a clean house, cook homemade meals, stay fit, volunteer, and don’t get me started on bookwork. So cleaning is usually the last on the list. I don't live in filth, of course, but somewhere in between.

I’ve started to grow tired of just surviving my days and obsessing over the cleanliness of my homes is not worth it. There are many more valuable things we can do with our time than mopping once a week. I’ve come to realize that our homes matter. Perfection, of course, doesn't.

Anne of Green Gables perhaps said it best when she pleaded, “Can I go right now – without washing my dishes? I'll wash them when I come back, but I cannot tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dish-washing at this thrilling moment.”

I too can think of nothing so un-romantic as the dishes. Especially when there's anything else to do, anything at all.



Anneliese said...

Both of your signs made me smile.
Some of us can have fun with dirty dishes waiting and some can't have fun until they are done. What is it that makes us how we are? It's not always how we are raised.

Becky said...

Cleaning will always need to be done,it is just one of those a little each day so it is not so overwhelming....after all cleaning is NeVER a finished job....

Life is too short...spend time doing what you enjoy!