Friday, February 7, 2014 | By: Anita

On this day...

On this day, {love the info you can gather from Wikipedia} … but the one that’s most important for me is… in 1942, J. Grant Kaufman was born, not a historical moment perhaps, but it’s the day my dad was born.

How does one sum up their dad, or what do you say in a blog that will post a tribute to the man that helped conceive me, raise me and essentially helped to make me who I am today. Dad & I have always connected. As a young girl, I have many fond memories of Saturday mornings with my Dad. Whether we were baking {yes baking} or I was with him in his fuel truck as co-pilot. It didn't matter what we did, I always knew that when we were together, I felt important.

I am so proud to have this man as my father.
He is a wonderful example of giving more than expected, loving as deeply as possible and caring so well for his wife, kids & grandkids.

Happy Birthday Dad, may you have a wonderful year, full of great health, happiness and many, many blessings!
