Thursday, August 22, 2013 | By: Anita


I have enjoyed these summer days. Mornings, however, are by far not my favourite time of day. Always have been. Although ~ I have thoroughly enjoyed these summer mornings.

Since I am not a morning person, getting myself up early enough to see the sunrise is a rare thing for me, but the mornings here have been calm and beautiful. Even today as I stand under the veranda there’s a rhythmic peace listening to the rain.
It’s been easy for me to stay in my pj’s, read for an extended time and not do a whole lot. I’ve just had no energy to get out and do the things that need to get done. My “To Do” list has now become my “Must Do” list and I intend to get it done. Today.  Well, er, um. maybe tomorrow.  I am not sure how long I spent sitting on my front porch yesterday. Where had the time gone to? How had the afternoon day passed so quickly?  
I struggle with balance. I think I may have multiple personalities. My pendulum swings from completely lazy to frantically busy. Somewhere in the middle, there must be a happy medium. Either that or I need a new to-do list. 
I’ve been reading “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver. I’m hoping she will show me how to sit at Jesus’ feet but still have a clean house.
In just a couple more weeks, summer will come to a close. And while many others are longing for the return of the school routine, I am . ... ... .. hesitant.

Change is in the air. You can feel it.

And my heart is aching at the thought.
