Sunday, August 11, 2013 | By: Anita

Four letter word

I hate the word busy.

I’ve learned the hard way that over scheduling myself with a packed day is not only counter-productive, it’s a horrible way to live. I don’t like for my schedule to be 100% full. And, I have gotten myself into situations where I invited trouble that just didn’t need to be there. Especially in the area of saying yes to something when I know I should say no.

I know with my mind I should say no. I know with my heart I should say no. I know deep down in my soul I should say no.

But then my mouth will betray me, and say, “Yes, of course I will do that.”

And then?
I feel the weight of overload.
I am afraid that I will disappoint someone.

Here’s what I keep reminding myself of:
Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should do it. Maybe, before saying yes to one more thing on my schedule today, I should ask myself…

Am I trying to prove something?
Am I trying to impress someone?
Have I thought through the cost of saying yes?

I don’t want my life to be so overscheduled that there’s no time for the spontaneous. I don’t want to miss out on opportunities for God to lead because I scheduled away our availability.

I’m constantly reminding myself that saying no isn’t a negative thing, that it can be one of the most positive choices that I make.

When’s the last time you said no with intention?



krystle ann-marie said...

This was such an encouragement to my heart. Thank you. I, too, am learning how to be not-so-busy. Being away on vacation has helped me to slow down. Now if only I can keep my life at that speed. Praying that I can, with God's strength.