Saturday, June 29, 2013 | By: Anita

shhh.. .. .. .

Do you hear it?
Neither do I . .. . ..

I don’t know about you, but I prefer God to speak loud and clear in my life. I like road signs and markers along my faith journey telling me I’m headed in the right direction.
Lately, with the detours I’ve been given, I have struggled.. .. . . . but I am trying to get past that and see them as blessings.

I know there are many things that can distract us and prevent us from hearing God. Television, radio, iPods, cell phones, Internet, email, traffic, and crowded schedules all contribute to our noisy world. One of the things I have learned over the past year and a half about God’s voice, is that it quite often begins with a whisper. If we’re all full of a busy to-do life we could end up not hearing Him. If every moment is bombarded by noise, our thoughts can get cluttered and it can cause us to lose the ability or desire to really listen to God.

As I look at 2013 and continuing to focus on my one word, I’m leaning in close enough so His voice is the only one I can hear.  This will require me to be still and sit long with Him in the quiet early morning hours. It may even mean I have to listen while I mow the lawn, because apparently He likes to speak softly to me while I’m out in His backyard. Since I have A LOT of grass, this gives God ample time to speak to me.

I want to live my life being true to who I am, and yet… I struggle to define it. There are those in our lives who try to define it for us, whether they are our teachers, pastors, parents, friends. And for much of our lives, we let them and yet .. . . . … I don’t think I can any longer.

I want to live authentically to who He made me to be and follow His way for my life.
