Friday, June 14, 2013 | By: Anita


for the past several days, weeks, ugh! really it’s been several months. i’ve been waking up at exactly 2:06 AM. not 2:05. not 2:07. 2:06 on the dot. it's like an internal alarm has gone off. 
most times i am able to turn over and fall back asleep, but then there are those nights when i am full on, totally with it, awake.

it can be very frustrating waking up in the middle of the night ~ er, well, i guess that’s almost morning, but whatever, it’s still frustrating. waking up, listening to the gentle snore emanating from the hubs . . ... .. i lay there. and my mind begins to wander. .. …. thinking about tomorrow, the next day, the day after that, next week, next month, even years down the road. thinking about someday. and you wanna know something? i've wasted a lot of time waiting on somedays.

someday i’ll make a workable cleaning schedule and stick to it; then we’ll have company more often.
someday i’ll become a morning person and have quiet devotionals and get things accomplished before the day even begins.
someday i won’t procrastinate and stay ahead of the bookwork.
someday i’ll take violin lessons so i can play in church.
someday i won’t be quite so tired and ... . . ... . .. ... . .
the list goes on. 

do you wait for somedays? what do yours look like?

someday we’ll have a house that’s big enough for entertaining.
someday i’ll have children and be a stay at home mom.
someday the kids will be older and i won’t be so tired.
someday the kids will be grown and i’ll do all those things i’ve waited to do.
someday i’ll have a bigger blog and more opportunities will come from it.
someday i’ll write a book and then i’ll consider myself a real writer.

do you see yourself in any of these somedays?

planning ahead isn’t a bad thing. God has plans for us, as he tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” {New International Version {NIV}}

although God has a future planned for us, i don’t think we’re supposed to be waiting for those “somedays”, i think we're supposed to live our life right here, right now and do the work He’s put in front of us.



Becky said...

I think that is why the song "One day at a time sweet Jesus" was written so we can remind ourselves to take each day...not plan so far ahead.. to make the most of EACH day and not think about tomorrow. ( although I must say it is easier to say this and not ALWAYS do it...LOL)

Just a thought

Anneliese said...

I read that verse just this morning! My granddaughter said, "we are always waiting for something." My daughter asked her what are we waiting for? She said, "God" (she is five)