Tuesday, February 19, 2013 | By: Anita

Let go and let God

I enjoy blogging, it serves as a reminder and record of our life. My family says they enjoy it too. Sometimes I think I want it private, I mean anyone can read this thing. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this but there are cah~razzy people out there. Seriously though, some times I think it's really nuts I put our life out there.. . . … .. but then there are other times that I think this is awesome. I am recording all this stuff.

And sometimes when I sit at my computer, hands poised above the keys, I hear it. “You aren’t a writer. You have nothing to offer. You have nothing to say. Just who do you think you are?”

And hey let’s be honest here, I’m not a writer. At least, not in the professional-got-a-degree-in-it-make-a-living kind of way. But I am a writer in that I write. I love to write. I want to write. I need to write. It is a way for me to connect with myself, with what I’m learning, and to connect with other people.

One of the first things God has revealed to me is this. To let go of the old definition of a “writer” and embrace that this is what He has for me, on this blog, right now. So the bravely letting go begins. Courageously opening my hands to release the thoughts of the enemy and receiving what the One that matters says. I’m learning that this requires courage, bravery, trusting that something infinitely better will be there in the letting go.
I’ve got lots of ideas, thoughts and opinions swirling around and so far, not a lot of order. But I’ll just let that go for now. In some way, shape, or form, I’m going to share what I am learning and figuring out about my life.

But, there are sometimes I wish I would hear from those who do read my blog. I know I have a few loyal readers and a few loyal commenter’s. I also know that there could be people who just cruise in from who knows where. Oh, well, I try to let that go too and remind myself that I do it for personal reasons and not for the comments so that's that.

Blogging ~ it's fun, free and therapeutic maybe more people should try it!



Anneliese said...

You have described a number of my feelings here! Yes, we are writers, who is to say what is professional or not? ... =) it is theraputic and nice to look back on things you have completely forgotten. Surprisingly enough, most readers are quite forgiving and nice!!