Monday, February 11, 2013 | By: Anita


It’s true that faithful friends are rare treasures, and when you have them you’ll do anything to hold and protect them. However when you move from the area or like us, move to a new church, sadly sometimes those friendships end. It’s something that’s been lost, or you just don’t have that, but you surely want it.

You invest the effort and try, try, try. You make the first move and extend your hand to others. You go to church get-togethers, you join volunteer groups and glance around you looking for that deep connection. You’ve done your level best to strike up conversations and initiate friendships, but you just aren’t connecting with the women. At the party you’re alone in a crowd, so you head home taking little with you but discouragement. You try to read God’s Word and pray, with the question, “Why is this so hard, Lord?” Well, let me tell you, “I’ve been there”. It’s really tiring and not much fun, thankyouverymuch. But God whispers, “Keep on keeping on.” So, when we don’t see friendships right in front of us, we keep searching the horizon for a soul sister.
It’s hard when previous friends burned you. Those wounds cut deep. So I tend to shy away from the warmth altogether or put up walls to keep people out. Walls become a cold cell that tends to shut out warmth and shut in the hurts. I need to remind myself to still invite people in. But it’s hard, you know. 1 Peter 5:7 {New Living Translation (NLT)} reminds us to “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” I’m hoping the harder I fight for what I want the sweeter success tastes if when I get it.

We need to remember that God invented community, He knows friendships. Jesus calls us friends, and if He desires them for Himself, He desires them for us. For you. For me. You are not the exception. Just like John 15:15 {New Living Translation (NLT)} tells us “I {Jesus} no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.”

Today may be the day a kindred spirit crosses your path. Or not. And if not, that’s okay, tomorrow is another day!



krystle ann-marie said...

I'm your friend, and always will be! As long as I'm living and in eternity! Thanks for being a great friend to me. :)