Wednesday, September 26, 2012 | By: Anita


When the kids were younger and all in school, I found myself at home alone with the whole day ahead of me. So I began to take walks. Each morning we would walk out the lane together and the kids would get on the bus for school, and I went for my walk. Even though I no longer walk little people out the lane I still enjoy taking a walk.

From the moment Sasha hears me putting on my shoes she gets excited knowing that we are going out. My walking time is also a time for me to process my thoughts and ideas about the different aspects of my life. In fact if you've come upon me as I am walking, you'll probably see my hands gesturing and you'll likely hear me talking as I tend to process those thoughts out loud.
So, if you see me out there walking, just keep in mind, that I am not crazy with all the talking and hand gesturing........just processing.

Last year however, I had decided to take up jogging.  "Or it could Yogging - I don't know the "J" could be silent..... apparently you just run." quoted from Ron Burgundy in Anchorman.

To be honest I never understood the fascination with running. But last winter I did it - I ran several K several times a week and was quite impressed with myself. Running on the treadmill according to certain people is considered fake running, I don’t know maybe it is. One thing I do know is that running is quite boring - the whole time I am staring at the wall, trying my best not to watch the odometer. I had tried to run outside but in the winter the cold air burned my lungs so harshly that I just could not run. And then.. .. summer hit and I am sure the summer of 2012 will not be one we soon forget with record high temperatures and with little to no rain all summer, making it unbearable to walk let alone run. So I gave up.

Now with cooler evenings I’m back on the treadmill trying to run again, but this time I do not have to worry about being bored since I got myself a portable DVD player.

Now I can enjoy watching the many episodes of The Big Bang Theory and running laughing my way through the K‘s.

My feet were made for walking.....and that's just what I'll do!



Becky said...

Inspirational... I really need to get into a better "habit" of just walking on my treadmill..with the TV in front I really have no excuse...(just lazy)


krystle ann-marie said...

Go mom!