Saturday, September 22, 2012 | By: Anita

Changing Seasons

I love Autumn. I love everything about it!
Yes, I know that the arrival of Autumn also signals that a long cold winter is near. But let’s not jump ahead. I don’t want to live in dread of a cold dark season when I can enjoy the gifts in front of me right at this moment.

I like to embrace Autumn as something special that happens just once a year, from September through November. The sometimes still warm-enough sunny days when leaves are turning brilliant shades of orange and brown and red, nights are cool and cozy and the smell of pumpkins, cloves and cinnamon fill my kitchen. And who can forget the smell of burning leaves, apple pie, hot chocolate, apple cider, or what about snuggling under warm blankets, the honking of geese in training for their long flight south, the crackling of the corn stove.

It’s a time to get back into routines - of meal making, exercising, meeting with friends for tea. I am ready for shorter days, but more time in the kitchen; for cold nights, but snuggling deep under my favourite wool blanket with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a good read. .. . 

I try to find something to love about every season, but Autumn is definitely my favourite!



Becky said...

LOVE Autumn..your picture is my screen saver.., perfect time of year. get out and ENJOY!!!
Especially sitting in a hot tub on a cool night...had a GREAT night on Friday...looking forward to getting together again soon
