Saturday, September 15, 2012 | By: Anita

Blog Stalker

I’m a bit of blog stalker follower. I read a blog, follow one of their links, read that blog and follow their links, and on it goes - you can read about that here.

Anyway, I came across this blog  - to be honest I do not remember from where it started but that's beside the point.  As I was reading this post - I was hit straight between the eyes with conviction. I am SO guilty of buying more and more groceries and stuffing them into the kitchen pantry and then complaining, yes actually complaining that there is nothing to eat. 

My ground rules -
# start a weekly meal plan - and stick to it!
# only buy what is needed to make those meals
# use up what is in my pantry

Ok,sounds simple enough - but the question was where to start? Then I remembered that I had a few years worth of Kraft Canada What’s Cooking magazines
and it would be a lot easier to begin with these helpful recipes. So I sat and leafed through magazine after magazine tearing out the different recipes we liked, ones we’d want to try, while all the others were left in the magazine and ended up in the recycle bin. Then the question was what to do with ALL these loose pages of recipes? 

So, I created my own Kraft Canada what’s cooking binder
and from there started making a weekly meal plan, only buying what I needed and using up the food in my pantry. It’s not exactly the same as eating my pantry, but I’m hoping this will help me get back on track with meal making, using the food I already have.  It's going to be fun trying new recipes and making old favourites too.

I want to be more intentional about using the food I already have and buying food with a purpose and then using the food I already have... .. .. ... .

How about you? Will you join me?



krystle ann-marie said...

Good idea! I am starting out by filling my freezer with yummy homemade casseroles & crock pot dinners. For those nights I need a quick & easy supper.

tomandlynette said...

I have been trying to be better at meal planning and prepping. I love that site that you passed along to me. I am really hoping to work harder at getting rid of excess. It's so freeing to be content with what we have, instead of longing for what we don't.

I like the new look!

Becky said...

Sounds like a GREAT idea... I may need to borrow that receipe book as I get stuck in a bit of a rut making the same old things....

Planning ahead that takes some discipline. But it is a challenge I am willing to take

Wish me luck