Thursday, September 29, 2011 | By: Anita


is a virtue, or so I've been told. Unfortunately, not one that I have yet acquired. It seems that I have the hardest time waiting. Whether it's in the grocery store, at the doctor's office, or even at a red light. It's during those "wait" times I find myself becoming annoyed, not only annoyed but anxious, frustrated, even to the point of getting angry. It's not like I am the star in a movie where all my movements are the only ones that matter and everyone else just has a small part to play. People around us all have things to do and places to be, so why is it that I am so disturbed when things or people delay me from doing what it is I want to do. gosh, that sounds soooo selfish. I mean who am I that my plans should be first and foremost.

Too often I ask God for patience and to give it to me right now! It would seem that patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

God, give me patience as I accept the situations I cannot change, the patience to know how to handle each situation as it presents itself, and the patience to realize that there is a purpose in all life's situations.



Becky said...

Patience is something I think I will be CONTINUALLY learning throughout life....I guess that is why scripture tells us that patience is a virtue....

May God give you His peace as you continue to wait for patience
