Thursday, September 22, 2011 | By: Anita


It seems that every few weeks I have a night or two where I cannot for the life of me sleep. I lay there awake, tossing, turning, trying to make myself relax, so I can doze off.

After several hours though, I tend to give up and try something else. Whether it's having a cup of tea, reading a book or sitting here at the computer, blogging.

There doesn't seem to be any special reason to these sleepless nights. It's not that I have alot on my mind, or that there are things that are happening around me that I need to process. I just cannot sleep. Thank goodness, I don't really have insomnia - and that my sleepless nights usually only last for one night, because I find it is very frustrating not being able to sleep.



Anneliese said...

I agree. So glad too that it does not happen too often. The only good that comes out of it is that it reminds me to pray .. . and sometimes that is how I fall asleep eventually.
Sleep well tonite. My wrod verification is shreepr... sounds like I can't say sleeper.