Friday, September 30, 2011 | By: Anita


During the summer months things tend to slow down at the office and of course pick up at home. With my health the way it is I knew that trying to work 4 days at the office and balance the growing list of other duties from home would be difficult to manage. And rather than let myself become unraveled; I went to the board and had requested that for the summer I would drop from a four day work week to a three day work week. And had also suggested that since it was unlikely that I would be able to return to my previous schedule once September came, would it possible to create a job-share. My suggestion was that we'd extend the office hours/days so that one person (me) would would a three day week and another person be hired to work the other two days of the week. Thankfully the board agreed. It's now been a month since we've (Lea-Anne and I) have been job sharing the Administrative Assistant position at the office. It's been awesome, so far. We have the same work ethic and desire to do the job to the best of our ability. Job sharing was a way for me to take back more control of my personal life. It's not that I didn't like my job, quite the opposite, I attribute my decision to job share as a "quality of life" issue. A job share is a way for me to balance home and office better.

Since the busyness of summer is now only coming to an end, it's been hard to tell yet whether there has been any significant difference in my health. I'm hoping as winter settles in, I'll have a better chance of noticing a difference. It's seems that balance is the key to a healthy life.



Becky said...

I am sure that like most people you will just find other things to make you busy...I think it is just a way of life...

Hoping you can find some time for rest relaxation, tea and a good book


Candice said...

Mental health is important too.
But it's hard to tell if there's an improvement in that area for you. You've always been a ray of sunshine in my life.

krystle ann-marie said...

Sometimes I feel like that Zebra. Hopefully everything will slow down soon. Maybe I can lose a lesson from my "balanced" mother ;)