Thursday, September 8, 2011 | By: Anita

in the que

so it must be said "i like to blog" i mean i really like to blog - although much to my mother's dismay I tend not to have a regular style to my postings of said blog posts.

i am great at coming up with different titles to the posts, but then i like to percolate my thoughts about what i want to be said in each post ~ i'm a bit of a thinker and to be honest it takes me alot time until i can get my thoughts and words put together

so until each post is ready i leave them sit in the que ~ waiting ~ until i have more time to process all my thoughts - then more often than not i'll post 2, 3 or sometimes even 4 posts "all at once", giving it a feast or famine feel to it

sometimes i feel that i should apologize to those who check my blog regularly for updates, those who are patiently waiting for new posts only to wait for days and then BAM there are several posts waiting to be read, but... . .. i won't

i hope that explains it mom ~.~



Anneliese said...

I know what you mean about thinking thorugh a post. I like to have mine in the que too, and have time to go back a few times before actualy posting... but when there is nothing in the que...well ... I publish for my regular day... that' another thing.. I am almost too predictable.

Anonymous said...

yes but is doesn't change the fact that it is either feast of famine