Monday, April 4, 2011 | By: Anita


The Saying: "nothing is certain but death and taxes", was said by Benjamin Franklin in 1789. He was an American-born statesman, scientist, and writer who frequently corresponded with the prominent international figures of his time. In 1789, at the age of 83, Franklin was still corresponding with Jean Baptiste Leroy, a French physicist and writer. Many of Franklin's personal letters contained simple maxims - the kind found in his Poor Richard's Almanack - and they prove that his wit and wisdom were not impaired by age. One of these comments was: "Our Constitution is in actual operation. Everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

Our accountant was here last week to finalize the 2010 year and file the income tax for both Wayne & I and the farm business. And it got me to thinking.. . ... It's really frustrating that we work so hard making money only to have to give a percentage or portion of all dollars earned to the government. Which then led my thoughts to the Disney's movie "Robin Hood". At least we're not taxed as harsh as the residents of Nottingham.

While death and taxes may be certain, thankfully we don't have to die every year.



krystle ann-marie said...

ew, taxes. :) I almost didn't want to read this post because I thought it would be depressing. It turned out not to be! The video was very cute. :)