Monday, April 18, 2011 | By: Anita


On our recent holiday, Wayne & I were together 24/7, that's 24 hours a day.. . .. for 7 .. .. straight days. It was not something we were used to. However as each day passed and we got in to a new routine together, it got me to thinking that this is probably what retirement will feel like. Mind you Wayne is far from ready to retire, me on the other hand, with all the health issues I'm struggling with I'll be ready to slow down soon. {but that's for another post} I love the song "Happy Together" by The Turtles, I find that it had become very appropriate for us. {Unfortunately I cannot embed the youtube video so if you want to listen to the song just click on the title.}



Becky said...

AHHH retirement seems SOOO far away!!!

krystle ann-marie said...

oooo retirement in the Dominican! Or Australia. ;) I could deal with that. Great picture! You guys still look "young" and "hip."