Monday, April 25, 2011 | By: Anita

something new - again

After having the house full on the weekend with everyone home, it's back to empty, well close to empty, Darcy has moved home for the summer. Kyle on the the hand didn't. He's staying in Orillia for the summer since he found work there. {another adjustment ~ sigh}

With the holiday long weekend, it felt like a mini-vacation with everyone home having fun and now it's Monday - and back to reality. To help keep the blues at bay, I keep myself busy with cleaning and laundry. Which with an emptier house isn't much, I need to find myself a hobby. Any suggestions?



tomandlynette said...

Some ideas for hobbies:

1) go for walks with your neighbours
2) play games with your neighbours
3) hang out with your neighbours
4) if you are really sad about not having enough laundry and your neighbours'
5) read books with your neighbours
6) call your neighbours and invite them to your place...then you'll have more cleaning to do!

We love you :) L

p.s. The word verification for this comment is "soquilt" Maybe you could take up quilting!?